Reinforced Polymeric Composite
Our BCF-40b is a specially engineered, high-quality syntactic material designed to meet core requirements for a variety of subsea and oceanographic applications.
The combination of advanced composite with a toughened resin matrix provides much higher stiffness and shear strengths, and greater impact and shock properties than standard core materials.
The nature of the integral materials permit the density, strength and stiffness of BCF-40b to be tailored to the specific requirements of the end user.
Density | Compressive Strength |
Compressive Modulus |
Hydrostatic Service Pressure |
Depth Rating |
Longitudinal Sound Velocity |
Acoustic Impedance |
BCF-40B | 40 lb/ft3 641 kg/m3 |
11000 psi 75.84 MPa |
425000 psi 2900 MPa |
9000 psi 62 MPa |
20000 ft 6000 m |
3.039 m/s [1 MHz] |
1.911 MRayls [1 MHz] |
The characteristics of BCF-40B make it ideal for use in environments ranging from high pressure deep-sea conditions to extremely low-temperature conditions of outer space.

BCF-40B housing for National Geographic “Critter Cam”
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Battery Holder for Orion Spacecraft
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