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Suburban Machine
Sole supplier for Military approved SADM custom machined products.

We have expanded our materials list to include our nontoxic, (fire retardant,) custom frequency, options/line. Precision machined SADM parts for Sonar and Sound applications.

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Fifth-generation Intel Core processors

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Fast SSD storage. Ready. Set. Done.

Cras nec odio sit amet erat tristique malesuada nec non libero. Mauris laoreet rhoncus tempor. In placerat justo felis, ut tristique magna auctor et. Cras laoreet odio eget velit tempor, ut accumsan dui elementum.

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SADM Materials

Syntactic Materials are ideally suited for use in a variety of hostile environments where bouyancy and performance are a concern.

Our extensive expertise in working with these materials assures quality parts at the lowest possible price point.

Anechoic Antidote

Studio grade sound panels that absorbers and defuses unwanted sound waves.
Best used for listening rooms, Theaters, and Bass Traps. Look out for more information as testing of the panels progresses.


Our BCF-40b is a specially engineered, high-quality syntactic material designed to meet core requirements for a variety of subsea and oceanographic applications.

The combination of advanced composite with a toughened resin matrix provides much higher stiffness and shear strengths, and greater impact and shock properties than standard core materials.

Project Portfolio

Our work with syntactic materials has provided us the opportunity to contribute to some pretty amazing projects. Our parts have traveled to the depths of the ocean and the far reaches of outer space.

Call 978.392.9100 to discuss your requirement.

Suburban Machine, Inc.
69 Broadway Street
Westford, MA 01886
Phone: 978 392 9100